"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" The magical girl's war cry cuts through the rain as she plummets sword first towards the hulking bipedal monster.
"Fascinating," she remarks as she steers the ship through an immelman back toward the bridge. "I have a sudden urge to spend time doing things about monster problems. I also have an urge to snuggle pretty girls, but that's a problem I can solve right here aboard my trainship." That last bit is a bit mumbled, but potentially still audible.
"Heck yeah! Snuggling pretty girls and monster hunting! We're living the dream!" She throws her hands in air. She realizes that she never took off her wing suit. "I should probably change."
"Probably, yeah." Eva smiles, and before she realizes what she's doing she's reached out and patted Strawberry on the head. "You're super cute, you know that?"
"You really are," Sable agrees. "Oh, you can duck back to the rest of the ship if you want privacy, by the way."
"I am! Isn't it great?" She gets up, drops her magical girl transformation, reverting the wing suit back to its original yellow with Rorchian labeling.
"So great," she replies as she speeds toward the bridge back to the Academy. "At a glance, you seem very snugglable. We shan't know for sure until we apply science to the question, though."
"Well I do like me some science." She grins. "Ok cuties, I'll be right back, let me take off this wing suit first."
The door to the cockpit clattered shut behind her. Two planeswalking lesbians- She doesn't actually know that for sure -girl-liking girls who are probably in a relationship with one another are flirting with her on their magic flying amphibious space-train.
"That can't be allowed, right? Can that happen?" She blinks, has a sudden realization, then teleports a foot in front of her, without her wing suit. It falls in a pile in the ground. She pats down her scrunched up skirt.
She looks back at the door. She barely knows them, as far as she knows there's something that down the line will push them apart: A bad habit, an incompatible personality, some strange belief... Strawberry spent a lot of her life aware of the ways in which relationships could fail, but even beyond that, right now, doing this? It filled her with a nameless dread she would probably spend the rest of her immortal life trying to articulate.
She opens the door. "I am ready to donate my delicate body to science, so that together we may advance this noble cause."
Eva laughs. "Alright! Where shall we snuggle? There are bunks in the back, or you could just sit in my lap, or...?"
Eep. "Well, we're here to do science, let's see how lap-sitting works and we'll see where we end up from there!"
Unfortunately, this leaves her with the task of climbing onto a cute girl's lap.
You are god's gift to women (who are into girls) you are a monster slaying magical girl of lightning and teleportation and you can do this.
The temptation to try to teleport onto Eva's lap is strong, but she doesn't actually trust herself to do that correctly, so she settles for just... walking up to her seat and sitting on her lap. "Hey gorgeous." She whispers.
Eva stiffens a little, then very gently settles her arms around Strawberry. "Hey," she says. "Glad to have you join me."
Eva exhales and smiles. "Yeah," she says. "I'm getting used to having cute girls in my lap still too. Sable is really helpful, but before I became a conduit it wasn't exactly an everyday occurrence for me."
"Hah, tell me about it." She leans into Eva a little, gently. "I wasn't exactly super popular back on Earth."
Eva slowly relaxes as she gets used to having Strawberry in her lap, and after a few moments hugs her a little tighter.
"Nor I," she says. "Nor I."
She hugs her back, maybe a touch too hyper aware of both of their breasts for her own good. She relaxes into her shoulder, letting their warmths intermingle.
"Give it time, I haven't died in an explosion yet, but it's probably just a matter of time for me." She nuzzles Eva. "I live dangerously."
"You've died and come back? I don't have very good immortality, so if there's another option maybe we should spend some time looking into it...?"