"Esteemed Delegates,
It has come to our attention that there has been some confusion about what powers this body has been granted. You are empowered to draft and debate a constitution for the kingdom of Cheliax, and you are empowered to send Us petitions and proposals, and that is it. You are not empowered to create laws that will come into effect before the constitution is ratified, though if you continue to propose laws for the good of Cheliax we will consider them and, if they seem wise, promulgate them ourself. You are not empowered to appoint or dismiss our ministers or officials, though we will give your suggestions on those matters all due consideration. You are certainly not empowered as a body to dictate foreign policy or conduct diplomacy. Do not do that. If you feel strongly that diplomacy should not be the prerogative of the crown, you are welcome to grant it to the legislature or some other body in the constitution which you are preparing.
Now, I believe the president of the convention has some other announcements to make."