At the End of All Things Elves in Revelation
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"Good luck with that! Not getting involved in our affairs at all does seem like the best course to minimize your odds of having a reason to kill someone."




This sure is a marginally-more-interesting-than-the-commercial-breaks television show.


Matt is unspecifiedly fragile in some way and Cam has no reason to bother him in particular. Uh, except -

"Incidentally, the mindreading thing, you've cut it out now, right?"


"Of course. I am sorry. I presume some of the books have exercises on keeping your thoughts private? It takes years to pick up but you seem like the kind of person who might want to anyway, even trusting we've stopped."


"I haven't run into that. I keep having to scroll through sheet music. Do tell?"


"Osanwë's - friendly, or at least intended that way. In societies where everyone has it we learn to keep some thoughts mentally public, and others mentally private, and you can't read thoughts someone else has designated private. It's a lot of meditation exercises to get in the habit of keeping your thoughts private, essentially. People usually have an orienting metaphor - imagining public thoughts above water and private below, for example..."


...private ones in the cipher he picked up when he learned how demons worked? "Have I got it?"


"Probably not, it takes a while? I can check if you want."


"If it takes a while hold off. Thanks."


"Of course. We taught all our humans, way back when."


"Your very own humans, gosh."


"The other ones were Thauron's. Is that not in the histories you're reading -"


"I'm skimming! If you took the complete contents of an American public library and looked through everything in alphabetical order by title and sixty percent of it was sheet music you would take a while to have a high school understanding of the Revolutionary War!"


"I do apologize! You could ask someone for an account, some of my brothers wouldn't mind telling it - I get it all mixed up myself -"


"Yeah, probably a good idea, who should I try first?"


"Cáno's the only one who was there for it all."


"All right."

So he goes and asks him for a summary.


"Sure, how long of one?"


"What are my options, or can you fill arbitrary amounts of time by varying whether or not Hera is cow-eyed this stanza?"


"I could do that but I was thinking based on species you probably wanted either the five-minute version or the thirty-minute version or maybe the two-hour version and definitely not the forty-eight hour version or the six-year version."


"Two hours sounds good."


Nod. "So Melkor was pardoned in 1400. We lived in Valinor, then, which due to divine incompetence was lit by two giant glowing Trees..." and so on and so on and so on and so on through - "Matthew threw himself and his Silmaril into a fiery chasm. I threw mine into the ocean and walked away."






"Eru has interesting taste, if it's true he planned the fate of the world all out in the beginning."

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