At the End of All Things Elves in Revelation
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He has internet! If he wants to check how evil the people who want to found a space colony and become gods are, he will not be interrupted.


He does want.


The histories in the Thindarin libraries are very unkind. They sacked this city, they sacked that refugee camp, they waded into the victorious host of the Valar after the war and killed everyone in their path, they tried to forcibly marry and when that failed to assassinate the princess of this country, they killed the twin seven-year-old princes of same country a while later, they kidnapped some other princes and held them hostage for a decade, there were rumors of personal misconduct which the book is too delicate to discuss...


Well, he can get Quenya stuff now too.


Quenya histories hit most of the same points (and also scrupulously avoid discussing personal misconduct while making a point of noting that some was rumored). All of the massacres were occasioned by people having a Silmaril and not giving it back, and some of the books do mention that exhaustive efforts to convince the people to give them back preceded the massacring.


He will probably want more credible explanations of how they will not fuck up the being gods thing before he helps with that but clearly they gotta have their shinies.


Unless he asks for explanations none are volunteered; the Elves spend all their time singing renewedly-magic songs and commenting on Caranthir's family's work.


More of the family's work is available. What's the Dwarf planet like more generally, Cam can't read the language but he can peer at city models and ask Caranthir.


The Dwarf planet is mostly underground, has around three billion people, spacefaring - they'd sent probes to Valinor, looks like - no governments, they've got some kind of anarchocapitalism arrangement that seems satisfactory to all parties - Dwarves don't really do genders, they've improved on magical artifacts to heights which the Fëanorians are now eagerly reverse-engineering, pressing social issues seem to all be over accessibility of arbitration hearings.


Huh, what happened to the probes?


Eagerly received on Valinor, which was interested in sending a return one and nearly at the tech level for it, but the Valar forbade that because last time they let people leave Valinor it was the Fëanorians and everyone remembers how that turned out.


Helluva gilded cage setup they've got there.

Uh, does anyone besides Caranthir want writings of people?


Searchable published works of Valinor would be great. 


Can do.


These are very happy Elves! The singing is so happy. On the weekend Aricin and Matthew come to visit. Aricin looks deliriously happy. 


Matthew looks like he is watching a straight-to-TV movie that's not all that bad for the genre. 


"Hello again."


"Hi! I apologize for being abrupt with you on the phone, I'm going to be under a lot of scrutiny if I try to do anything interesting and I might need to do interesting things to get the government to handle summoning gracefully."


"Nah, it's okay. How was your trip, can I get you anything?"


"It was a lovely trip! I always book with a different airline so I can be pleasantly surprised when this one has little televisions or that one gives you pretzels. This one gave me cookies."


"One time my mom got us upgraded to first class and we got tiny cheesecakes, it was amazing."


"I expect there are other people planning space colonies who'd be delighted to have a demon onboard, what are our qualifications?"


"Cool magic shit. I'm still doing research on whether I want to disqualify you for other reasons."


"Most of the cool magic shit should be sharable, Macalaurë must've checked by now if the songs work recorded -"


"They do! I'm working on something for aging but less urgently since it turns out humans don't die after all, at least not anymore."

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