At the End of All Things Elves in Revelation
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Good. Surroundings?


Nothing comes up for that either.




"So four drilling jobs, and then what's the plan from there -"


"Find a thousand Proxima Centauri B colonists, including at least a couple people adequately informed about the situation and prepared to act on various contingency plans if Melkor comes back - that might not mean helping, it might mean fleeing farther. People with expertise in magical engineering work on destroying the Enemy; the ring stays here to shield them and the Silmarils; human governments are encouraged to alter their protocols for use of nuclear weapons and of daeva for more resilience against infiltration and mind control. American intelligence services are presently running checks for summons of inadequately bound daeva worldwide as an anti-terrorism measure which could perhaps be modified should the Enemy become active in the world. We do some modelling work on things that could happen to the Moon and how best to react to them, persons not banned from Valinor might contemplate travelling there, though you shouldn't expect to be allowed to leave. Some sufficiently trustworthy daeva should be summoned by the people headed to the Alpha Centauri system so the daeva are still here to fight if everything else is destroyed. We can launch the colonists as we finish screening, training, and equipping them - can maybe train them along the way, if we have daeva doing it who can go home once they're done. There should be multiple circles out for Túrin so if he dies he needn't wait on anyone knowing he died to be back."


"You summoned yet?" Cam asks Túrin.


"Yeah," says Túrin, blinking at that to-do list. "Before any of the Elf stuff came out, actually. Do we know for sure that we daevafy normally when we die, what with all the divine intervention stuff -"


"We do not have this information."


"What strategic decisions does that influence?"


"How cautious we need to be about keeping Túrin alive, mostly. And everyone else who dies for good - might not be just your family - we should have a demon get old records of Atani kingdoms and compare the names to the NSA's notes on everyone in the world - are your parents in Limbo, Andreth -"


"I haven't checked."


Cam checks.


They are. 

"So then I'd very strongly expect we daevafy just like anybody else," she says.


"It's a nice deal if you can get it. We should do all three kinds of circles anyway but my guess is that it has to do with personality affinity with the magic, any guesses, Túrin -"


"Fairy. I am still not clear on how I'm supposed to kill Melkor, daeva or no -"


"Yeah I'm totally in the dark on that too."


"You can touch a Silmaril, see if the Valar consider you relevantly evil. I don't see how I'd teach you to use them but they're how it'd be done and we can't touch them."

         "I'm not going anywhere near those fucking things."

"They don't do mind control," he says impatiently. "If you're not a thief you will continue not to be a thief. Everyone who stole them was perfectly comfortable with theft and with starting a war before they ever saw them."


"Father -"


"Not that there's anything wrong with being a thief willing to start wars," he says agreeably. "Why, I myself, back in the day -"


Sigh. "Can confirm they do not inspire supernatural impulses to make off with them, they are just really shiny."



"I guess if we don't have a better plan," Túrin says, sounding extremely doubtful.


"Even if we have six better plans it would suck to find yourself in need of Plan G."


"Where are they?"


"I'll bring one to my study."



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