At the End of All Things Elves in Revelation
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"Yeah. I don't have much. The story of Túrin's adventures was told among humans long after he died, and at some point the telling picked up the prophecy. I thought nothing of it until learning Túrin was -" he nods at him.

         "So the version you know might not be accurate."

"The version I know might be wildly inaccurate."

         "Was there an attribution -"


        "Is it even possible for Melkor to break out?"

"He's had thirty thousand years. It is not inconceivable he figured out how to leverage them, and dragging the Moon out of the sky is the sort of thing he'd do."

        "We have fairies."

"We do. Humanity is much better prepared for this fight than they were last time."


"But keep in mind that last time, the Enemy spent a thousand years keeping his head down and playing politics before he showed his hand. If he arrived on Earth today, I'd expect him to go look up some people who want to destroy the world, and talk them into it, not to build a big obviously evil fortress and invite us to come fight him in it."

       "And the Valar can cancel daeva abilities."

"Yes. Without much advance notice of daeva existing, even."

       "We need the Valar."

"I think we should formulate plans on the assumption we don't have them."


(- any chance they have a correspondence demon yet.)


They do not.


(Damn.) "How's their range? We're limited by what we can see by default but Elves are telepaths."


"I think we can assume they'd notice something happening to the Moon."


"And get to it within a decade or two?"


"Or five, yeah."


"I asked in the hope of extrapolating whether daeva powers might work from farther away than Melkor's ability to suppress them. In case he can do the crippling a specific daeva version - that's what they tried first - and not the area effect kind. Angels have short range but fairies wouldn't need to go far to reach the moon and demons have astronomical range."


"It wouldn't surprise me if demons had better range than Melkor but I'm not sure what you could do about him - fairies either, he needn't have a physical form if he'd rather not -"


"If he doesn't have a physical form then yeah we have a problem."


"There is no known way to kill a Vala."


"I can probably do it, though."


"What do you need?"


"The Silmarils. Time. Maybe Celebrimbor's notes on the rings, those are clever."


"I can get you those."


"How much time -"


"If I knew how to do it I'd be doing it. Fifteen years, maybe twenty -"


"That might be fast enough."


"It also might not. Have we considered getting a group of humans out of the star system, right now, just in case -"


"That's not a bad idea. I can get all the volunteers we could ever want if I make a video about it but have no good way to sort them."


"Smart, young, healthy, make the application process require some diligence and attention to detail, we can do interviews from there. Do we already have ship plans adequate for humans -"


"You can summon in an accelerating ship, if the acceleration's appropriately constant, so yes."


"Somebody tested that? Brilliant. Elvis, you want to help with the recruitment video - where are we going, how many people -"


"Yeah, we paid for a test a couple weeks ago. Proxima Centauri B is habitable."

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