She has a system.
It's a beautiful system — an elegant cross between a project management system, a diary, and a government. The way that it works is this: whenever one of her wants something, and they don't feel like pursuing it right that moment, they put it in the system. These requests can be anything from bugfixes, to requests for new media, to architectural plans. And then, when one of her has the time and energy, they take a task out of the system and do it.
There's more to it than that.
There are meta tasks, for deduplicating and prioritizing the requests. There is a complex priority system, based on giving more sway to people who actually resolve tasks well. There is an integrated bounty system, because she is trying to make systems that work for economically rational actors, dammit. There are complex pieces of software and machine learning models that keep it all under some vague semblance of control.
All of these things come together in a chaotic symphony to form the distilled intent of her self-tree.
And today, it wants her to bake.