One moment, Laia is sitting down for the start of the floor session.
The next moment, some kind of bizarre-looking monster is going at her with an enormous golden ring.
The moment after that, she's somewhere else.
Sure, here's a bookstore. It's focused on children's books, with a mixture of fiction and nonfiction.
The books have weirdly many colored illustrations.
Awww, children's books! That's such a nice thing to see emphasized; she's not a child but she did personally invent the concept of children's theater.
If they don't have anything for grownups here she'll flip through some kid books but she's not going to buy them.
This one has glossy full-color illustrations of Pokémon species native to Unova! This one has a simplified-for-kids version of the history of Kalos! This one is a fictional story about a trainer trying to collect eight "Gym Badges" to challenge the "Pokémon League"!
If she asks, the proprietor is willing to direct her to an adult bookstore.
He can direct her to (separate) fiction and non-fiction bookstores. Plays are probably for sale in the fiction bookstore; poetry might be for sale in either. If she's interested in sheet music she should probably talk to Roxie? He thinks? He's not really sure.
"The Gym Leader around here! Her gym's a little south of here, you can't miss it."
"I did see it. I don't know what a Gym is, Pokémon on my planet are totally different."
"Uh. Wow. How do I even explain — so, there's a bunch of gyms. Each of them is themed around a single type — Roxie's is Poison-type. If you can beat every other trainer there you can fight Roxie, and if you beat Roxie she'll give you a badge. There's lots of things that are gated on how many badges you have — Flying and Surfing licenses, access to dangerous areas, that sort of thing. If you manage to get eight badges you can challenge the Pokémon League. And of course the Gym Leader's the one who makes sure the town stays orderly and handles emergencies and so on. I don't know if that made sense, I've never met an alien before."
"They're appointed by the Champion, I don't know exactly how the process works. Our gym's actually only been open a couple years."
"Usually the dockmaster. I guess it'd probably still be the dockmaster if we had a boat emergency."
"That makes sense. It's fun that everyone gets to challenge Roxie, the thing we have instead of gym leaders where I'm from is nobles and there is no real way to do that, you just have to wait for a Pokémon to eat them or something."
"- well, I think commoner than here, here it's safe enough that there are well-cared-for tiny children wandering around outside the city! It's not a leading cause of death, though, I don't think."
"It's not that it couldn't happen here, but you'd have to really mess up somewhere."
Nod nod. "We have different ones, and also don't have Pokéballs, people come by their own Pokémon differently or not at all so anyone fighting them has to do it directly."
"Yikes. I think you can make improvised Pokéballs out of Apricorns if you don't have the technology, but..."