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Fabulous Dusk in Cloudbank

Even intimidating-looking cryptids are rarely dangerous, especially to magical girls, so when Dusk finds a giant snake with a mirror for a face in the park at half past midnight, she's not too worried.

She hasn't had a chance to see if her telepathy works with cryptids, yet, so she tries it, sending a friendly greeting - and she's promptly eaten. How rude.

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And now she's falling through a thick layer of clouds! And it's really cold and wet!


Owl wings owl wings owl wings owl wings owl wings. There. No longer falling; instead, gliding, and then diving, when she's had a moment to get her bearings and decide she'd rather be closer to the ground than farther from it.


The wind isn't behaving as she's used to. The air feels different somehow. It might just be the fact that she seems to be in a storm. Thunder rumbles from somewhere, surrounding her in the darkness.

Diving doesn't take her out of the thick bank of clouds particularly quickly. She sees a vague oval shape below and to the right, lit up by a flash of lightning.


...the roof of some kind of tower, maybe? Extra tall tree? She heads for it. She'd like to phase out, in case of lightning, but she's not cute enough, drenched.


It's a... Floating island? A floating rock with a thin spattering of vegetation clinging to the top, being whipped about in the storm.



That's, uh. That's not great. She's pretty sure if floating islands were a thing, she'd know about it.

How badly is the storm tossing it around?


Rather badly. She probably couldn't successfully cling to it - it looks like the miserable looking squirrels huddling in a small hollow in a tree trunk are barely managing it.


She doesn't want to be on it, she wants to be under it, but it doesn't look like that would be all that much more fun if she stays close enough for it to shelter her.

She continues descending, gliding now, trying to get out from under the storm as she looks for the ground.


She eventually gets out of the storm.

She doesn't see any ground. There's just - a vast gulf of sky around her, a space almost too big to be real, like the blue dome of the sky is above and below and all around, obscured by patches and layers of clouds.

There are more floating islands, mostly distant and half-obscured, most of them a lot bigger. It's hard to make out detail from such a distance, but some of them have a blockiness to them that might be buildings. There are floating plants, and floating animals, that look like something out of science fiction.


Yeah, that's definitely not great.

She heads for the nearest one that seems to have buildings.


As she approaches closer, those definitely are buildings. The floating island she approaches is partitioned into neat fields and little patches of forest with slender trees. There is a block of tall buildings with rooftop and balcony gardens sits in the middle of the large island, sort of sunken into the middle of the place. A few buildings are built into the outside edge of the flying island too. It's about a mile across, all told, and mostly fields and woods by area. People are working and walking around.


She makes for the nearest edge, and stumbles a bit, landing; she's not prepared for how the surface isn't steady under her feet. Once she has her balance, she checks to see how this has been received by the locals.


She has wings - if this isn't a mass hallucination it's clearly some kind of lost tech, a flying child with such an elaborate outfit? Then again, she's a small child. Some of them are backing away or going to the central buildings, but the man nearest her is glancing around at his fellows and back at the flying girl, unsure what to do.


It's not heard, or felt, or imagined, they just suddenly know, as if it was their own thought: She's sorry to scare them but she's very lost.


Aaah! Aaah?

A few people stumble. A few more start to head for the buildings.

The dithering man says, in deeply accented but recognizable English, "Do you - know where you're from?"


Yes, but she's not sure it's going to help. Where she's from looks like this, and doesn't have sky cities.


"...That's Earth. Solid ground."

Also, this is freaky, don't panic, panicking doesn't help. He tries and fails to not fidget much.


Yeah. And a cryptid ate her, and now she's here.

Is there a way to get back, at all? Or send messages, or anything?


"I've never heard of - there's supposed to be a, a gate to Earth, but it broke centuries ago. Or something. We don't know much about Earth."



Okay. (She fidgets slightly herself.)

She's going to need help, she's not ready to be on her own yet - is there someone she should talk to?


"You should talk to the President. Well, the - everything, the wings and clothes, the talking thing - it's a bit unnerving, because when something strange comes along it's very hard to be quite sure what it does. But I'm sure we can get him to come talk to you. And get you some food and water if you need it? Or a towel? You look like you've been through a storm."


She'd appreciate that, yes. And she can explain to someone how magical girls work, if they'd like.


'Magic' is just tech that nobody understands anymore, but, "Well, I'd be happy to listen. Maybe I should go get the President out here so he can talk to you instead, though? He's the one who'll know what to do here."


All right. She'll wait.

She's going to dry off, while she's waiting; this might involve manifesting some things. It's safe, but she doesn't want to startle anyone.


"I'll try to keep anyone from being - er - startled."

She seems harmless. But who really knows with lost tech. Time to wash his hands of this; He goes and informs President Mills.

After about five minutes, a thoughtful-looking middle-aged man with a beard in the same strange clothes as everyone else walks towards her, carrying a covered basket.

"Hello! Bread, water and juice, and a towel." He sets the basket down and backs up a few feet, then sits cross-legged in the dirt. "I'm the President of this little commune. Gorvan Mills."

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