[Sometimes we sort of--melt together, so we're functionally one person for a while.]
[We can hear each other thinking and we're always a little awake, especially Holly, so we can switch off for each other pretty well. But it's always been that we were separate. We got mad at our parents calling all three of us Holly when we were little.]
[Even when we're one person we don't like the name we were born with for casual use. We didn't really mind when our parents called us that, though,] she says, a little sadly.
[Book picked himself a name and Holly picked one for me. She was awake most often so we all thought of her as having the name they gave us.]
[Neither of us can really imagine using the name we were born with. I mean, the aesthetics aren't great, but it would feel like--like one of us was the "real" Elaine Xavier and the other was just a voice in her head. Or like we were inviting other people to think that, anyway.]
[Maybe it was different for us because it's usual to have people sharing bodies.]
[Edie was our grandmother's name. Emily thought that name was pretty, and she liked that it started with an E to match. My name and our birth name and our mother's name. It was Erika.]
A couple of people would like things troported! Mostly colors.
Well, then this lady can get her dress in a color that wasn't in the catalog and this teenager can get his toy in black instead of "playskool" (whatever that is) orange, and since troportation is unknown here they get a good bit more money for this than if it were known how trivial colors are.
[Neither of us really knows how much mice cost but this should be fine,] the twins judge.
[It's weird that the money is paper. I guess it's easier to carry around if you can't put the weight in something else.]
[We use coins for very small denominations. Pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters.]