Hogwarts not!Elves
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"I don't have it very firm yet, I'm still debating between a few ideas and need to see how each handles weirder spells."


"Yeah, sure, all yours."


"Should I come by for them at Ravenclaw later or what -"


"That'd probably be most convenient, they're all packed."



She comes by the Ravenclaw dorm later ("Continue the sequence: two, three, five, seven." "Eleven.") to collect the books.


There's a trunk full of them! And Minor's running Ares through the series of experiments with Wingardium Leviosa he and Karen and Miranda did first year.


"Thanks Minor - who's this -"

"Ares Trembley. Nice to meet you, uh -"

"Swan, Miranda Swan."


"She was top of our whole class in Charms last year."


"I thought you said you were top in everything but History and Transfiguration," says Trembley.

"In Ravenclaw he was," clarifies Miranda.

"Oh. What are the books for?"

"Wand motion notation."



"It's a really good idea. Most of why you can't just learn from books is because 'swish and flick' isn't nearly precise enough -"


"It remains to be seen if I can make it pan out," says Miranda. "What are you two doing?"


"Remember last year we did all those experiments on how exactly Wingardium Leviosa works? I told Trembley he should do 'em."


"Why?" asks Miranda.


"To see if he gets the same results?"


"I mean, why him."

"I think probably Timothy told him to," says Trembley.


"It was more obviously than usual part of some nefarious plot but I don't know which one - he says he didn't conquer a small country this summer after all -"


"I don't see how it's a nefarious plot," says Trembley. "He told Corner off for hitting me."

"Maybe it's a nefarious plot to be Head Boy next year by making the Ravenclaw prefects look inadequate," suggests Miranda.


"Maybe? But I think he likes Potter fine and it wouldn't be very like him to mess that up by undermining someone - and he's likely to be Head Boy anyway - and also he doesn't enforce making people be polite about blood purity in Slytherin, does he, it's Slytherin -"


"Well, not polite, exactly, out of each other's faces - that's what the fight was about?"


"I was just talking and Corner hit me," says Trembley.

"He shouldn't have done that. What'd you say?"

Trembley repeats his opinion - "- but Timothy came up with things and Phelps came up with a thing and Minor came up with a thing -"

"Had you in fact thought about this opinion at all before you said it?"

"A little -"

"If you want people to be more sophisticated in their replies maybe you should think about things more than a little before you go flailing them around. Why should anybody else care more about your opinions than you do?"

Trembley chews his lip.


"Thanks for the books, Minor," she says, and off she goes.

"She seems smart," says Trembley. "Why isn't she a Ravenclaw?"


"She is smart. I guess she's even more ambitious?"


"...is coming up with notation an ambition?"

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