Hogwarts not!Elves
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"He did, so now I can get my stuff and don't have to sleep in a chair, but they all still hate me."


"Why do they hate you?"


"Following Corner, I think."


"Why does Corner hate you?"


"Didn't like some things I said about people who marry Muggles."


"So he's gonna hold a grudge for seven years?"


"I don't know."


"What did you even say?"


"I couldn't think of any reasons people would do it if they could find anybody who'd have them with all their faculties and wizards know how to check for potions and stuff so they go for Muggles. Your brother thought of more reasons and Phelps thought of one but Corner just punched me."


"I might hex someone who said that about my father. Wouldn't be very mature but I might do it anyway."


"You're a pureblood. Anyway after that he punched me for looking at him."


"And then he got into enough trouble to stop but he still hates you?"




"Maybe he'll get over it.


- there are lots of Muggles. Like, a hundred times as many as there are wizards. Wizards're smarter than Muggles on average but maybe not enough to make up for there being a hundred times as many Muggles. So if you just wanted to marry the smartest person in the world you might marry a Muggle."


"Are you going to do that?"


"I want to marry Swan. But if Swan weren't a pureblood I'd probably still want to marry her and maybe even if she was a Muggle - I mean, we wouldn't have met, but if somehow we had."


"But you wouldn't've met. You can't just meet everybody trying to find somebody smart and even if they're smart it matters that they can't do anything."


"You could, like, look who has published really impressive research and try to meet all of those. Though they're mostly not girls because Muggles don't usually educate their girls."


Shrug. "I didn't have a good enough imagination, I know that now, but not because Corner punched me about it."


"I don't think that's why? Like, assuming that they're punching because they don't know how to hex them and it's meant to do the same thing - I'd hex someone who said that because I'd want it to be common knowledge that there'll be retaliation for hurting my family. I bet I'd want that extra if I wasn't from a good family that could win a duel or get someone arrested."


"Well, I guess now everyone knows Corner's a halfblood who'll punch people over it."


"And he might want people to know that! Even if he isn't actually reasoning it out people sometimes have instincts that are about doing that thing."




This is all the socializing that isn't talking about languages Minor's feeling up for. He goes back to his homework.


Miranda finishes a draft of her wand motion notation. It can handle everything in the first year textbook with only minor kludging but starts to fall apart with some more advanced spells and she brings it to Michael for consultation.

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