They wait. They pace and do sword practice, now with added information about FLYING EYEBALLS. They snack. They consider making a bunny door so that when ALL OF THE SUNS ARE GONE AT THE SAME TIME, they can still attempt to grab bunnies from the pen.
Holly checks for a sun, finds one - are they all the same color? And size? Peculiar coincidence - and goes back out. Crystal digs.
Well, is some of it iron? If some of it is iron, she's going to turn lots of dirt into iron instead of digging more.
Great. Holly makes lots of dirt into iron and Crystal hauls it all to the forge.
Oh, that last will be more convenient than inflicting her discomforts on the bunnies. She expands her house to have room for those things and then installs them.
Are any of these metals upgrades that Holly can just do by herself? Is there any reason not to, such as conservation of materials?
Great. That, then. And they make a suit of armor out of whatever they've got the most of and then Holly upgrades it.
They go visit Jeff again to see if he has anything to say now they've got armor.
"Or I could just keep bunnies handy. Although I guess that doesn't work if I get caught outside in the dark. What is up with your suns shortage, anyway?"