Holly runs as fast as she can but the demon's faster. She has no idea where Lightning's gotten to; maybe he found a tree to climb. She on the other hand has been diverted into a treeless hill and she's careening down a slope, trying very hard not to trip.
And the demon's gaining on her.
She's never seen anything like it and neither has Crystal; maybe Book knows what it is but Book's asleep. It's mostly mouth - it looks like a cross between a floorlength mirror of a mouth and a snake to propel the mouth along.
And Holly's not fast enough.
The mouth catches her.
But it doesn't hurt.
Where are we?
"Ow, ow, are you okay..." She looks at the newcomer for the first time, and her wish registers a new language. She switches to it. "Okay, that's new. Do you know why you just appeared right in front of me?"
"I have a communication wish, it's giving me pieces of your language, but I've never heard of it before. Whatever wish-gone-wrong brought you here, I fear you may be very far from home."
"...Hold on, I don't have all of your language yet, I have to fish around for words. Um. We have wish-pools. You step into the pool and it magically gives you wishes. You wish on them by wanting the right way, and they come true."
"What's weird is you never having heard of wishpools, and then still appearing here somehow. Either you wished for a teleportation which you didn't because you don't have wishpools, or someone wished on you, or something completely foreign to me is going on."
"I mean, we were eaten by a demon, but usually that just makes you eaten, not..." She gestures. "And I don't know what the inside of a demon looks like but I don't think it's this."
"Thaaaaat is an interesting and slightly creepy word. We don't have those, either, the closest I've ever heard is a married couple in Polm with a mind-link and one body each. Okay, it's clear that you are very lost."
"Yes? Well some people wish to not need to sleep, but normally if you go without sleep you go insane in three days tops, so it's kinda necessary when you don't have... Wait... What's troportation?"
"No. Just like you don't have wishes. All I can tell about it from just knowing the word is that it's some kind of magic that possibly helps with not sleeping."
"Oh. It's like -" She turns out the hem of her jacket. Sewn in are patches of various other colors. She pinches one and her jacket turns green and the patch turns red.
"Woah, nice. Can I learn to troport, you think? I'll spend a wish getting if it I have to, but I only have two left-" she gestures at two glowing dots on her arm "-so if I don't have to that'd be even better."
"I don't know. At home anyone can do it - I'm really good at it but anyone could do colors - so I don't know why you can't."
"Yeah? That's a swap, I take the color from the swatch and the color from the jacket and put them in each other's places. I could do colors when we were like three."
She touches her jacket and her shirt, and attempts to swap their colors. It doesn't work. "Hm."
"I'm Holly and my cohabitor's Crystal. ...And we're not really standard cohabitors, we're sisters and we were born already together, and our brother too but he moved out."