Weeks pass, and he doesn't catch a single card.
When cards become active, he goes looking. They just disappear before he gets there.
He's getting worried, and he's not sure he's satisfied with Kero's explanations.
He tries to focus on school.
This Stiles character is awfully cute, isn't he.
"No, it's just that we were talking about experimenting just now and—well, never mind, lots of context. I'm gonna try not rhyming because that does not sound like it make sense. Hrrmmm... The Moon be my guide and the Wind lift me up, grant me the gift of flight!"
And he's lifted.
So moving everything as far and as fast as possible all the time sounds good to Move?
Should he let it out more, just move lots of stuff?
"Alright. So the three of you can do magic but Stiles can't? How does that work?"
"Well I'm not sure how Scott met Stiles or the two of them met Alistair. I met Alistair when I saw him capture a magical being that was causing a huge storm and was apparently invisible to people who cannot do magic, and then I asked him out, and then on our date one of these magical beings decided to show up and Scott and Stiles came to try to capture it because it turn out Scott is the chosen one for that task. Oh, and also apparently the person who chose him was me, in a past life."
"We met our good sorcerer buddy when he decided to catch a bunch of cards and yell at Scott."
He's okay!
Is she liking being a card? Is there anything he can do to make that better for her?
"Right. Stiles, I'll want a better explanation tomorrow, when I'm sure this isn't a dream. If anyone needs me, I'll be upstairs."
Once again, they have the floor to themselves.
"—and kinda saved your butt there from the Maze. You should give them some more credit."
"Right. Thanks for that. Anyway, we should move on."
He walks to the couch and flicks Scott in the head.