Weeks pass, and he doesn't catch a single card.
When cards become active, he goes looking. They just disappear before he gets there.
He's getting worried, and he's not sure he's satisfied with Kero's explanations.
He tries to focus on school.
Water and wind won't work if lightning doesn't.
He tries his fire arrow.
A burst of flame at the figure in the center of the storm.
(And another girl is very annoyed at all this water and dampness and fairly close to the spot where the elf-girl figure's gonna hit and that's by design she is not letting this obviously magic man escape.)
Elf-girl groans, tries to get up from the water washing around her, fails.
Human girl watches from a somewhat-secluded place. The storm is still going on, and it's fairly dark.
"The Jump and the Sword have already recognized my skill and my strength of character. If Clow left a test, I think I can handle it."
He strings his bow and trains it on the elf-girl.
"I won't fail."
"Okay what the fuck," observing girl calls, running as best she can through the water to try to stop him.
"I'll be with you in a second. Storm, return to your power confined."
He taps her with his bow.
It does, obligingly, and floats to his hand. The storm starts abating, though doesn't immediately dissipate—weather patterns don't just stop merely because the magic behind them went away.
The girl continues approaching, and blinks. "—that girl was a card?"
"I'm not sure what you mean."
He whistles and shoulders his bow.
"It was a pretty bad storm, are you feeling alright? No injuries?"
"I totally saw that girl becoming a card, I had literally never seen anything magic other than myself in my life until three weeks ago and now everything's magic you are not blowing me off."
"Most people haven't seen any. Can we go somewhere where most people can't hear us before we discuss the secret conspiracy?"
"I know a good roof, but we should probably stick to something where I won't have to carry you. Any ideas?"
"...a library? With one of those booths? Or just a park—people aren't likely to just assume we're talking about real things when we mention magic—and actually I would really love to not be sopping wet..."
"If you disappear I will find you," she says with a casual finality suggesting not a promise or a threat, but merely a prediction of fact. "It is very frustrating to spend almost two decades unable to find any other magic."