Weeks pass, and he doesn't catch a single card.
When cards become active, he goes looking. They just disappear before he gets there.
He's getting worried, and he's not sure he's satisfied with Kero's explanations.
He tries to focus on school.
Not with words. What he's doing is communicating, though.
"I mean, if you say they will murder me if I try I will..." Pause. "Prioritize it differently."
"Well if I'm Clow Reed I guess I could just become the most powerful sorcerer ever and then run my experiments."
"How are you going to get powerful without the experiments, though?"
Alistair does not, in fact, want any of your food, Stiles, calm down.
He needs help to catch the cards? Or for this challenge...that's not his, but he's not letting them face it alone.
"Well, I don't need to perform social experiments to become more powerful, and those are the dangerous ones, right?"
He thanks Windy for her help. He's appreciated it so far, and if he'll need it...well, he'll probably keep appreciating it.
How's Song doing?
"If anyone can, I trust that you'll be able to experiment your way to being the best sorcerer there is."
Song is really nice, which Scott wants her to know. He appreciates that.
Also, what does she want from him, can he do anything for her? How is she getting along with the other cards?
She doesn't want anything in particular. Being let out every now and then to sing would be nice, though. She likes the other cards! Some are mean but that's okay she likes them anyway.
Which cards are the mean ones?
That sounds awful, can he fix that?
Also, sure, she can sing more, he'll find more time to do that.