Weeks pass, and he doesn't catch a single card.
When cards become active, he goes looking. They just disappear before he gets there.
He's getting worried, and he's not sure he's satisfied with Kero's explanations.
He tries to focus on school.
"We mostly don't do that kind of thing anymore. My parents aren't getting along as well lately, and Uncle Kit is a big part of why."
"No, it's fine. Things are just a little tense right now, but we're family. Anyway, if hunting sounds good, I'll plan a trip."
"Sorcerer clan politics. You heard how it shook out, but it's been a cold war for a couple of years. Kit just...lights a fire, when he thinks something needs purging."
"It's not...he doesn't do anything that would hurt his family, not on purpose. Well-targeted property damage isn't, actually unhelpful. The question is whether it's wrong. It definitely accomplished all his goals. The problem is that we don't actually want to destroy buildings just to win."
"Yeah. My parents aren't nice either, they just wouldn't do something like this. And they can't agree on how to handle it."
"Politics?" she suggests. "Positive-sum trades? I'm constrained in how much I can help not knowing any more details."
"Do you want details? Maybe you can help, but I mostly just want to have ice cream with you right now."
"Like I said, we don't need to talk about it if you don't want to, I'm sure I can find a less unpleasant target for my bottomless curiosity."
"There are plenty of things I'm willing to talk about, I'm just not sure the latest family drama is one of those. What else are you curious about?"
"Determined, stubborn...I guess those are the same thing. Honest? I have secrets, but I don't like keeping them. Patient. Brave. Is that arrogant? Arrogant too. That's five. Ask again later?"
"Sure," she grins. "I'm curious, stubborn, smart, very much not patient, extroverted, sociable—these are different things—ambitious, empathetic, kinky, and slightly hyperactive. And I could probably do more than ten, I think."
"People live forever, and there's no shortage of essentials, and we allocate scarce resources efficiently until they're no longer scarce."
"Magic can probably help with resources, but I don't know if it gets that powerful. And immortality seems hard. Maybe you cheat with technology."