Weeks pass, and he doesn't catch a single card.
When cards become active, he goes looking. They just disappear before he gets there.
He's getting worried, and he's not sure he's satisfied with Kero's explanations.
He tries to focus on school.
She does welcome the occasional correction and/or suggestion, and then they have a spell.
She casts it.
"—I got nothing. Can we tell if it worked or just failed?"
"If it's not giving any feedback, it probably failed, but to be sure we should try moving, in case it responds to proximity to Yue, or something else convenient."
"But he could be anywhere—does the spell work at all, maybe we should do a version that finds other people than him."
"Let's see if it works with you here, first." Spell spell spell—" Wow this is weird I can tell where your are."
She shrugs. "It sounds useful, to be able to contact other magical people around, especially ones that might either save or end the world."
"Eh, later. I still have some hopes for this date, now we got it sorted with possibly-the-antichrist."
"Let's see if we can save it. Have you had a chance to actually eat, yet? I think I might have distracted you with the getting trapped in the bathroom."
"Good point, I should eat." Her pasta's cold, but she doesn't actually mind. "How're you feeling? This has been—somewhat hectic."
"I didn't really want the cardcaptor, the Guardian Beast, and my mom interrupting, but I'll live."
"Let's focus on something else."
He picks at his food.
"The quality must have gone down since we came in. It's downright chilly."