Weeks pass, and he doesn't catch a single card.
When cards become active, he goes looking. They just disappear before he gets there.
He's getting worried, and he's not sure he's satisfied with Kero's explanations.
He tries to focus on school.
"Smart, well-rounded, and curious. I think you'll be running circles around the Argent clan in no time. How much are you itching to do science to sorcery?"
"I did mention I ran out of lifeforce a couple of times yesterday and today just to see what it did, right?"
"Well, not a toy, just an experimental subject. I've been taking notes! Do we get more lifeforce the more magic we do? I think you may have said something like that, but I've been tracking my progression."
"Sort of? I haven't done much science to magic. I'll ask my uncle, he...was kind of into experimenting too."
"I'll ask. He isn't really the type, honestly."
Their waiter interrupts to ask how they're enjoying their meal, and to spill some water on Alistair.
Alistair dismisses the apology ("It's no problem, really") and heads to the bathroom to get cleaned up.
A Clow Card, on his date. Talk about work following you home.
He reaches for his holster, and draws a card.
Unfortunately, he didn't bring his bow with him.
It does!
Or, well, would, if the wall (and the ceiling) hadn't both grown taller than he can jump over as he did that.
"There's a card in the bathroom. I can't get out. I'll try the Sword, but after that, I'm going to start running down lifeforce, so I might be a while."
"If the Sword doesn't work, I'll call you back. If I don't call you back, then try something."
"Alright. See you soon, with any luck."
He hangs up.
"Sword, cut me through what keeps me near, and take me far away from here."