Weeks pass, and he doesn't catch a single card.
When cards become active, he goes looking. They just disappear before he gets there.
He's getting worried, and he's not sure he's satisfied with Kero's explanations.
He tries to focus on school.
"There's a place in town that does really good gnocchi, and they have this lemon cake..."
His parents had picked this town as soon as they'd suspected the cardcaptor was here, and being in the same school should have been convenient.
Alistair mostly spends the rest of class trying not to make eye contact.
And after a mildly boring day at school, Scott decides to pay the mysterious stranger a visit.
"Kero, are any of my cards going to work in a direct fight?"
"If he uses his magic against me, will just getting out of the way be enough? Windy can hold him, maybe?"
"I don't know what kind of magic he has... but your cards are very powerful. Windy could hold him or send him away..."
And now his staff has pretty magical wings that are actually merely decorative and play no functional role in giving him lift!
They're pretty!
And flying is pretty great, even if he looks kind of ridiculous.
He lands outside a residential neighborhood.
"Fly, return to your power confined."
The staff shrinks down, and he puts the key in his pocket.
"Should I just talk to him, or should I surprise him?"
"I think so, but there are ways of making magic undetectable. They might not work point-blank like this."
Scott hides, and prepares to follow in the air.
He pulls out his trusty key- that is to say, staff- and once again takes flight.