The way Bella can suddenly do gymnastics after she and Soph have been moved in for a couple of weeks is weirdest.
Scratch that: the apparition that shows up in their bedroom, causing Bella to punch the bunk above her with surprising force in order to wake Soph and confirm that she's not hallucinating? That's weirdest. And so is what it has to say.
Soph sleepily wonders if Slayers have time to play softball. Bella opines that she does not think any of this is a good reason for her to start playing softball.
Soph goes to sleep. Bella stays up, at first, then she crashes too.
And the next day during her free period she's in the library, peering through the vampire books.
"Vampires, huh?" she finally says.
"Unless we assume this is a cunningly disguised homophone, yep."
She can always laugh it off if the other girl looks at her funny. It wouldn't be the first time.
"A veritable plague of them. I mean, I suppose outdoor cooking is a reasonable year-round hobby, in southern California. And yet."
She does.
"No, nor would I, but I confess comparatively little insight into the motives of, what was it, gangs on PCP?"
"Well, you've gotta find ways of entertaining yourself when curfew is 5, you know?"
"My dad actually lets me stay out till sunset, pretty much on the dot. I'm very punctual."
"Sort of. I was born here and I've been here summers with my dad my whole life, but now me and my sister are planning to live here year-round. I am new at this school, though."
"Fair enough." Bella closes her vampire book. "Would you describe yourself as a fan of paranormal horror fantasy, or what?"
"I like Maggie Stiefvater as much as the next girl," Delilah says, "but I'm also a witch."