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The two look at each other a little longer. "You know what, sure," Ava says finally. "It's not like anyone but the two of us have ever known us, not really, not for a long time. I am Gale Force," she says, in a tone less of a confession and more daring someone to do something about it. "And she is Peerless, and we have no flipping clue why we're reincarnating but I fully acknowledge that my previous actions were idiotic and morally indefensible."


"Reincarnating? What brand of reincarnation are we talking about here?"


"You die--whether that's bleeding to death because the cave-in crushed your leg or in bed of old age or in a home invasion" Annabelle raises a hand to her scarf "and then you wake up and I won't describe what happens next because it's gross but eventually you grow reasonably up and everything isn't terrible anymore. Or if it's terrible it's not because you're an adult in a baby's body."


"So, you remember everything quite straightforwardly and had a change of heart through some reasonably conventional mechanism of having to go through kindergarten again, or whatever?"


"...Okay, so the basic overview is that Helen and I--that's her real name, Helen--were dating, and we were going to form a superhero team, and we had a massive blowup that was only mostly our faults and I stormed off to become a supervillain because I had the emotional maturity of a grape. Our lives for the next thirteen years proceeded to suck heavily for unrelated reasons, which led among other things to both of us looking back on our relationship with great fondness because it was the last time either of us had really been happy. Then one day when we were duking it out in a nice, non-civilian-inhabited area, we accidentally caused a cave in and she bled to death in my arms while we had a tearful deathbed reconciliation. I quit the supervillain business then and there and spent the next eighteen years growing the fuck up before her second incarnation showed up on my doorstep."


"Does everyone reincarnate where you're from?"

"...No," apparently-Helen says. "We don't know that no one is, but if everyone did it would probably have gotten out. And we haven't found any solid evidence that anyone else is."
"We're worried the guy who got her last time might be," Ava says quietly. "He used to be on Peerless's hero team. If it has any connection to our time as capes--and that seems to be our best guess--it might apply to him, too."

"Damn, people with superpowers don't do that in our world."


"How would you know?"


"Well, I suppose we might not know if they do it only very rarely, but we're not reincarnated and exact power duplicates are almost unheard of and where they're heard of they don't usually come with the same twin powers. And it would be, I don't know, off-theme? If we didn't reincarnate in our twinsets."




"My world, the people with superpowers are twins. Or triplets, etcetera. They're twins too," she points at the mutants, "but that's unrelated to their powers."


"We have something called S-Factor that can get activated in a wide variety of ways."


"Ours is genetic."


"What a lot of ways there are to come over all super."

The door opens. A girl Flicker's shape and height, wearing similar jeans and similar T-shirt and the coolest-looking steel-blue motorcycle helmet of all time, walks in, muttering to herself, and then cuts off as there is a high beeping sound coming from her helmet.

She looks at Flicker, and at everybody else, and then at Flicker again.

"I'd love to hear all about how this grade of Shaker got into the Wards building and what said Shaker's team wants."

"Milliways irony at its finest!"


"Hi, welcome to Milliways, an inter-universal bar that hijacks random doors in random realities. We're all different pairs of superheroes from different universes! You're the first singleton, unless there's someone right outside you'd like to call in."


"I didn't think other universes had superheroes to speak of."


"Having been to Milliways before, and met people from plenty, I will admit that we are something of a rarity."


"So you're saying that the Wards building wasn't specifically targeted," says the newcomer skeptically, "this is some kind of Haywire-style superhero-finding bullshit and it just... found me?"


"I don't know who Haywire is, but I would assume so."


"Who're the Wards?" Helen asks. "I'd ask if they were like the Young Guardians but you probably have as little idea of who those are as I have of who the Wards are."


"...Wards are junior Protectorate. Protectorate being United States hero organization. Young Guardians sounds like it'd be some other country's version of same. So what worlds are you from, does it mean anything if I say I'm from Earth Bet?"

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