"Oh, gotcha," says the Alli who spoke. "I, I mean we, I mean, uh." They converge. "I am her twin," she points at Bella, "and they are twins, and we all have superpowers."
"Not only are we not a team we are not all from the same universe. This is Milliways, it hijacks random doors in random worlds."
"Our org doesn't do costumes exactly, it does uniforms, and we're not like in it in it, anyway, but if we're doing code names I'm Verge and she's Flicker."
"Well, we're from a different universe than them. I suppose you could be from our world and planning to join some sort of org overseas that we've never heard of - especially likely if this place does translation, which considering I bet it must - and you both have twin siblings who aren't here. But I doubt it."
"So what are your powers? I duplicate myself and my sister teleports."
"I do magnetism, which usually translates to ferrokinesis, and my sister is a telepath," Emily volunteers.
"A telepath who has ever met an ethic, if that worries you as much as it did me."
"Theoretically, yes, practically I have no wish to find out what security Milliways stocks that could take me down."
"No one can get to your universe unless you hold the door for them."