Promise watches his mouth move. She makes fairy lights in the air: My ears don't work right now. I'm happy for you to pass me notes if you want me to participate in experiments.
She shuts her eyes when he does this, opens them again to see the complete message, and says, "For the next five minutes, do not lie."
Well, that will be useful if you ever want to go near Yellow again.
They can find the owner(s) of the name, especially if the name is genuine and unique instead of a nickname or a small child's blanket named 'blanket'. Nicknames and non-unique names for objects and such are both referred to as 'weak names'. If a thing is near them, they can tell when its name is spoken, again to varying degrees based on distance and strength of name.
The most difficult thing for an apellodyne to do is magically renaming things. The renaming is for magic purposes only, and people will still remember your previous name, it will simply no longer feel like yours or affect you in any way.
Renaming things causes the thing renamed to magically change in various, usually subtle, ways. For example, one cannot rename a stick 'gold coin' and make it become so. A valid example would be renaming a tree 'spicy fruit' and its fruit would become moderately spicy.
The renaming ritual is more difficult when more people know the old name, if the old name is not a truename, or if the target of renaming is either not present or unwilling. The ritual also requires the apellodyne performing it to know your current name and your new name.
Any questions?
No. In fact, I've forgotten all but one syllable of your name. She can be trusted- at least by me. I can kill her with a thought, since I paid her a truly obscene amount of money to allow me to surgically implant an explosive device in her brain. She knows I will activate it if I must, so she will not betray me in any way I can detect.
I can't necessarily trust her that way. She's probably better than Thorn, but she's also much nearer by than Thorn.
You do not need to be capable of hearing or sight during the ritual. You do need to say specific phrases at key points, but you can memorize them and I can tap you on the shoulder to get the timing right. The apellodyne is only vaguely aware of the nature of fairyland, and she claims she intends to leave and never return. Of course, if you do not want the ritual performed, I will not force it on you. I'm trying to help you so you will be inclined to help me. I'm starting to consider giving it up as a bad job and seeking another sorcerer to de-age me.
Wouldn't recommend it. The ones who've bothered to learn are generally going to be ones who like to snare mortals and then keep them for a very long time. If my questions about your foreign magic offer are more tedious than that is dangerous, then of course I apologize, but why are you in such a hurry? You don't look about to keel over.
After a pause, Even so, perhaps I'm being too eager. I apologize. I'm also excited to be in a place where what little sorcery I learned all those years ago actually works. It seems to be impossible in every dimension I visited since then.
It's not going to take me four to ten years to decide if I want my name changed. I also have not yet learned to de-age a mortal, which will take longer than making that decision.
What I need is to meet the apellodyne and decide if she's trustworthy.
I can fix deafness, if it comes up, and furthermore since I'm currently deaf it wouldn't help anything.
Nick leads her through corridors towards the apellodyne. They meet one other human. She drops her toolbox and runs off when she notices Promise's wings.
Then they are in some sort of meeting room. There is a long table equipped with dozens of comfortable chairs that swivel and roll easily. Only one other person is in there. This is the apellodyne. Her public name is Hatice. She knows you're deaf and will be writing to communicate.
Nick steps out of the room. The apellodyne takes a piece of paper and writes Hello. You're the one whose name I might be changing?