"Uh, no, back to where I came from. I was flying to Opri but popped out here, very annoying."
"I'm not sure what you mean. I showed up, had a look at her tree, wandered around a bit, came here. Would you mind if I get some water from your river? I'm kinda thirsty."
So she warps the bluestream around, making a pure-water-funnel out of the pale cyan threads flowing through it. It takes a good ten seconds and she sags a bit from the cost. Then, a thin stream of water rushes up through the newly made harmonic swirl and into her mouth.
"Would you mind if I stayed around here for a while? It's a really good spot for certain kinds of magic."
"Nothing, I suppose. I'll just go back to Promise. Some of the places near her tree were okay."
Steel shoves the fairy away with a burst of telekinetic force, and flies faster. The extra speed seems to hurt her.
Steel keeps flying, a little more slowly. When she gets to Promise's tree, she flops onto the ground, grimacing.