It's been a few days. Promise starts to see faint inklings of light, distant echoes of sound. These faint signals get stronger by the minute, but she only recovers (even wobblier than usual) control of her body when the forest around here is crystal-clear.
Steel doesn't seem to notice she's done.
Sorcery usually doesn't generate claims, right? Steel hovers Promise's food and water over to her.
Promise gulps down the water until it is all gone. She takes the food out of the air and eats that a little more restrainedly.
(The things-that-are-not-colors are mostly not-blue for some reason)
"I know, right? You can try the other senses later. Shaping the harmonics and doing magic with the bluestream... If sorcery is just having a sufficiently clear idea of what ought to happen, bluestream is more like an effort of will. Telling the universe do this. Make a light. Lift me up. Change the stream to a green square. The dark blue blobby thing next to that tree is a good spot for light if you want to try it."
"I did light-bluestream the first time I tried fairylights. It's a little embarassing, but it didn't hurt me. Hmm. How about hovering with bluestream instead of wings? That way you'll know you got it right." She goes a little limp. "The spot you're standing on is good enough to hover in now."
Promise rolls up her wings behind her back and - demands that the universe let her hover anyway.
Having discovered the right frame of mind, it should be fairly obvious how to do the other basic exercises described in the books on bluestream that Steel gave her.
"I do not like this side effect," Promise observes, settling back to the ground. "And will probably practice that aspect only sparingly. How do you flatten or configure the harmonics?"
"It's a lot like casting things, will it to happen with the right mindframe, but you have to hold in mind the fact that you want to use your physical strength instead of your emotions."
"Yeah, maybe. Let me deactivate the circle. Someone wandered by and complained about it while you were asleep." She stares at it. The complex patterns within patterns inside the circle shift in some largely incomprehensible way.
"Time to get you some food?"
"Yeah." She has food socked away in her tree. She goes into her tree, wobbly and a little oversensitive to the moss against her feet and the bark against her hands after five days of fuckall, but she gets herself a bowl of nuts in crystallized syrup and steadily eats them all.
"I think you said you were going to move to another continent after this. Can you make gates from anywhere in fairyland? I made it so I could be missing from home for months without anyone saying boo, so I might follow along, explore fairyland some more."
"Yes, I can make gates from anywhere. I'm going to need a raft, light enough to tow, so I can stop to sleep and bring enough food to cross the ocean. It's probably easier for me to re-contact you once I've found a new place to live than for you to try to come along."
"You may think that me waiting at home is less risky. But that's not entirely correct. The steadily increasing pace of natural disasters coupled with widespread social tension and anger at the government's refusal to change, all in a much more densely-populated place than fairyland is, makes Telra just as dangerous. That's part of why it was such a trick to get the books on stone circles at all - my home is... Not doing particularly well."
"It is more logistically complicated with two, but if you don't mind flying across an ocean and sleeping on a raft for a couple of weeks, I suppose we can try it."
She pauses and looks like she's stopping herself from saying something. After a moment, "Is there a forest near the coast or should I make the raft now?"