She approaches the court, taking care not to seem like she's sneaking around, and addresses the first (very short, almost flower-sized) fairy she sees. "Excuse me. I was passing through this area and saw some beautiful stone on a cliff nearby. I'd like to speak to your master about trading for permission to take it."
"Do you think anyone would mind if I waited here and talked to this person? I don't intend harm on anyone here except in self-defense."
Steel's face pretty clearly shows her opinion of the bleeding tree, but she waits patiently by it.
"It's between the waterfall and the grove of pine trees, off that way." (point) "I would want about two tons of it. I can handle transportation. I'm not sure what your master would like in return. I don't have these things with me right now, but I can provide a large amount of candied dewdrops, some paper and ink, a few books."
"I don't trade in vassals. It'll have to be books. I think copies of twenty sorcery books he hasn't heard of would be fine payment for some rock he wasn't using anyway, but of course it's up to him. I can also get a few books from the mortal realm - I met one a few years ago."
"Two tons of rock might easily spoil the view until someone can sculpt what's left nicely," says the fairy. "If you can find twenty sorcery books we don't have in our court then that will be very impressive and I provisionally accept on Master's behalf. Mortal books - it might depend on what they are."
"It sounds like you have a very impressive library. I had assumed my books would be new to you simply by virtue of my being from far away, but perhaps not. The mortal books are fiction, mostly."
Steel nods. "Shall I go retrieve my books, or will your master want to speak to me in person first? Actually, I should list my sorcery books now, to see which ones are new to you." She lists the books Promise has, planning to copy them.
"Disappointing. I don't think I can get you eighty mortal fiction books, at least not easily. Is there anything other than books or vassals your master might be interested in?"
Steel thinks for a moment. She doesn't want to be interesting. What can the bluestream do that sorcery finds difficult? She lies, "My kind can lift extremely heavy loads, many times greater than the two tons of stone I want, and I can fly relatively quickly carrying them. I am also a sorcerer, though admittedly of little experience and unfamiliar with the harmonics here."
"I will speak with my master about anything he might want transported. Perhaps you should fetch as many books as you can get and when you return we can discuss making up the rest of the trade with heavy lifting. Do you need the loads balanced and contiguous or can you, say, lift a lot of dirt out of the ground?"
"Balancing them is not strictly necessary but will help. Non-contiguous loads must be smaller than the largest contiguous ones I can handle, but are still doable. I expect to return in approximately three weeks. Is there anything else we should discuss before I go?"
A day later, she hovers invisibly and inaudibly a ways off and carefully surveys the area's harmonics in case they plan to ambush her. Then she really does fly back towards her gate at a relatively sedate pace, arriving at Promise's tree three weeks into her promised one-month absence. Steel looks for her.
"It was fun. Lots of pretty scenery out there. I eventually found the correct sort of rock, but it was within a court's territory. I had to promise them some 'mortal fiction books' and heavy lifting services to secure permission to take it, but I was very careful not to imply that I could see or affect harmonics, they might try have tried to capture me if I did. They might still try, but I'll come prepared for an ambush."