The continents and other markings are completely unfamiliar.
"Not here," says Kiri, squinting at the globe, making sure it's not just upside-down. She gestures at it: "We are not here."
"Well, I would like to know more about how your telekinesis and shapeshifting work, if you can tell me."
“I do not complete understand. I more learn language? I moveto more good place before?”
"I can teach you more language. Your large floating part is... okay where it is... but if your small talking part wants to come to my house, it can."
“My — puramem, my” — it runs out of vocabulary and makes a human figure — “come to your house to learn, it can?”
As she gets closer, a haze around her proves to be some kind of elaborate structure, very detailed construction in glass and wood and less identifiable materials, forming a complete cylinder around her; the top and bottom are more opaque and thick. She floats in the middle, making occasional motions that seem purposeless and habitual. Her clothes appear to be well-made of cloth, but have only hems and neither seams nor fasteners.
She is followed by another latticework box which has some protrusions like those on the talking-sphere. The two merge together.
She approaches Kiribel, at the same height without the benefit of horse.
“This place is strange. I separate now; I do not separate all now.”
"...I don't understand, but if you want the stuff, you can bring it. My house is this way." She turns her horse. Aleko scrambles on to his to follow.
The house is big and fancy and low-tech.
She seems to find the details of the house interesting but does not volunteer any thoughts on it.
Some of Teytis's latticework shifts and folds and slides and overall shrinks to allow her to fit into doors sized for unaccompanied bodies. The rest of her follows along, keeping out of the way.