Jann is on his way to the Caves of Fire and Night to retrieve a standard quest item therefrom. There is some forest (not of the capitalized or enchanted variety) between him and the entrance. He weaves his horse through trees. Ho hum. Whenever he gets under a relatively clear area of sky he consults the sun to confirm his direction.
A muffled meow emanates from under her cloak. "Shut up, Leo."
"Mountains of Morning," says Jann. "The entrance to the Caves of Fire and Night specifically. Er, why would it be good news if I was lost?"
"I like lost travelers. Either I help them and they owe me a favor, or they're rude and I get to curse them entertainingly. Do the Caves of Fire and Night have much fire in them? Because I could probably be pretty helpful if so." She shows off a lock of red hair.
"I've never been there personally but I believe the fire's mostly metaphorical. Not that I'd turn down friendly company. Given that I try to be careful about being polite."
The strange woman visibly suppresses the urge to clap her hands gleefully. "Oh, it's been ages since I did something. Would you let me fetch some personals from my tree?" At another meow, she adds, "Oh, I'm Sezan. And this is Leo." She pulls a sleek white cat out of one of her sleeves and waves his paw hello, which he tolerates with dignity.
"Sir Jann of Raxwell," says Jann, bowing politely from his horse. "Pleased to meet you both. I'm in no rush."
She vanishes off into the trees, and returns a few minutes later not bearing much more on her person. Leo, however, has perched himself on her head rather than in her sleeves, and she carries a small satchel over her shoulder.
"Oh, I'd just as soon ride. Horses are wicked creatures, but I respect them and they respect me."
Leo hops over Jann's shoulder and clings to his shirtfront, as a test of character.
"Hey," Jann says amiably to the cat. "Mind your sharps, hm? Are you here for petting or the view?" He kicks Morganite into gear; on she plods.
"Petting, definitely. Really it's more to see what you'd do; not immediately petting him is a demerit, but asking is almost an acceptable substitute."
Sezan continues clinking, and after a few moments begins rearranging things in her cloak. "Sorry, I may have overpacked."
She pulls out several small vials and drinks their contents, then places them all into a different pocket, which does not clink. "There we go. Didn't have to get rid of any essentials."
Leo meows long-sufferingly.
"Well, they all had to be empty before they went into the same expanded space. Don't want any of those accidentally mixing up your sleeve."