Matilda in Elcenia
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"Is there still an active summon -?" wonders Terali; Kerah casts an analysis to check whether Terali still has one in progress.


There is not still an active summon.


"I could summon her again," says Terali, when this result turns up. "But she might just leave again. Isn't there any way to get her to let us help?" she asks Miss Honey.


"I don't think so," says Miss Honey. "She is extremely independent. And it might be... a bad idea to interrupt her while she's in the middle of dealing with Miss Trunchbull." She shivers slightly when she adds, "I agree with her that bringing Miss Trunchbull here would not be a good idea."


"You want us to leave your seven-year-old daughter to fight someone who managed to kidnap you with the use of ialdae?" says Kerah.


"I think she'll be just fine," says Miss Honey. "She did perfectly well last time."


"Last time?" says Terali.


"When she originally discovered her magic, and no one else knew it existed, she used it to trick my aunt into running away. My aunt was... a very unpleasant person who treated the children at the school badly, but I couldn't do anything about her. Matilda could. Matilda did. And now my aunt has some magic of her own, but Matilda is much better at it."


Terali frowns. "Even if she's capable of it, seven years olds in combat situations doesn't sit well - we don't send mages her age in dangerous situations even fully activated -"


"I understand," says Miss Honey. "But this isn't a matter of sending her anywhere. She went on her own. I know better than to try to stop her, that's all."


"And you don't think she should be interrupted, and you don't want us to summon your aunt?" confirms Kerah.


"That's right."


The wizards look extremely dubious, but they sit and wait.


It's about five degrees before Matilda reappears in another flicker of light.

She runs into Miss Honey's arms and hugs her.

"Oh, my poor girl. What happened?"

"We were - she had all this magic I'd never done before but I could do any of it as soon as I saw it - she threw fireballs and ice and lightning - but she couldn't fly, I can fly, and I could see all her magic, she couldn't get me at all - but then she threw lightning and I dodged, and the floor was all covered in melted ice, and she just—"

"Oh, dear," Miss Honey murmurs. She hugs Matilda. "But you're all right?"

"I'm fine, I'm not hurt at all - I didn't want her to die though!"

"I know," says Miss Honey.

The wizards wisely hang back and wait before asking technical questions. Eventually Terali says, "Do you want a glass of water?"


"Yes, that would be good, thank you," sniffles Matilda.


There's a waterspout in the office, and paper cups. Terali gets Matilda some water.

Matilda drinks her water. Then she refills the cup with ialdae, without really thinking about it, and drinks that too.

"Thank you."

The wizards look at the cup, and each other, and Terali just says, "You're welcome."

Hugs. Water.

"I think we should probably go home," says Matilda. "I'm sorry about missing my lesson. I'll come to the next one."

And she and Miss Honey vanish, with a little flicker of light.
The wizards go notify Raha.

And they write up project notes.

Slightly before the time when Matilda would be summoned for her next lesson, she appears in the room where she is usually summoned.

Terali had wondered if she was going to do that.

"Hello. Saving me some work, are you?"

"It seems more convenient this way," says Matilda. "Miss Trunchbull taught my magic to do a lot of new things and I don't like most of them, but I like that I learned how to move between worlds."


"Do you have any idea how she taught the ialdae to do those things?"

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