It has never done anything wrong. In fact, none of the air in the patch has, even when it has been in other patches. It's so innocent.
"I'm just wondering if there might be something weird going on that could make your spell do something unexpected. But I don't know your magic well enough to guess what kinds of things could do that."
"Well, do you know where to find someone who's more comfortable with strange fiddly magic stuff?"
"That makes sense. Now that I've thought of weird things going wrong, I'm probably going to be kind of nervous about them until that gets figured out... you could talk to Rhysel tomorrow, maybe? If you don't mind me staying in your guest room a little longer than might be strictly necessary?"
Even though a part of her thinks this is very silly, she sleeps in her armour. Something about being in a different strange world, or a house she didn't build herself, or having other people around—she can't convince herself to change into something cozier and less damage-reducing. It's pretty comfortable armour, though, so she gets to sleep okay.
She goes to investigate, still wearing her armour and her coat but leaving her bag in the room again.
Eggs! Applesauce! Cinnamon! Sable is highly enthusiastic about this breakfast.
<I had a lot to eat but it was mostly a lot of all the same things,> she explains. <Rabbit. Duck. Blueberries. A few kinds of mushroom. Several kinds of fish. So it's nice to have something that isn't any of the same few things I've been eating for ten years. And your mom makes nice food.>
She does in fact politely ask for seconds after she finishes her first plate.
What a nice family. What a nice breakfast. What nice applesauce. (She is really very pleased about the applesauce.)