It has never done anything wrong. In fact, none of the air in the patch has, even when it has been in other patches. It's so innocent.
"Anyway, for you to go home too there are a few things to try. What eventually worked for Rhysel - she's the sister-in-law I mentioned - was resetting her home world to Elcenia so that she could be sent to Barashi. Also, since then some better wizards than I have worked on and implemented something called a summoning circle, which is an area where if you walk onto it you'll be sent to the other end. I'm not sure that either of these will work with whatever you did to get here, or whatever happened to put you in Terraria, but they're things to try - except I can't make a summoning circle myself."
"Okay," says Sable. "...It would be really, really useful to be able to get back to Terraria if I could be sure of getting home again from there... it's a dangerous place, but there's a lot of useful magic there. It seems like you have a lot of useful magic here too, but it does different things."
"Okay, good," she says. "...If there are other people who want to go to Terraria and get useful magic things, I guess I can't stop them, but it's really dangerous there and I don't want anybody to get hurt. I guess if somebody really wants to I could go with them or something. If I can be moved around normally."
"Lots of horrible monsters that try to kill people. Lots and lots and lots of horrible monsters that try to kill people. Some of them can float through walls or teleport or do all kinds of other weird things. They appear out of nowhere when there's a person nearby, and some of them disappear again if you run away far enough but some of them just keep chasing you."
"It's not much fun. But usually, the more horrible and dangerous the monster, the better the useful magic stuff that falls out of it when it dies. Oh, and when anything dies in Terraria it explodes into pieces. That's not really dangerous, though, just gross."
"If whoever else wants to go to Terraria has useful magic powers that they can kill monsters with, that would be a big help."
"Oh. Well, maybe that too. But I don't think I'd ask somebody to come with me if they didn't want to anyway. It's really dangerous, and I know it well enough that most of its dangerous stuff isn't a big problem for me, but somebody else even with useful magic powers might get in trouble because they didn't know about all the kinds of monsters and their weird magic."
"Well - within the scope of purely Elcenian magic, living things have a home world. A summoning spell pulls something whose home world is not Elcenia into Elcenia, and then lets it snap back where it belongs when the spell is reversed. A sending spell pushes something whose home world is Elcenia somewhere else, and then lets it return when the spell is reversed. Right now, you aren't Elcenian - unless something you did or something that happened to you changed that when you got here - so I can't send you, but you aren't under a wizard's summoning spell, so you can't snap back where you came from. But if I cast this spell and it works for you the same way it did for Rhysel, then you'll be Elcenian in a sort of magical sense and I'll be able to send you."