She is sitting in the library, studying. It's her most common pastime, by hours; spending time with her sister is more enjoyable but Jaromira prefers to socialize more broadly and Katarzyna would only get in the way. This is better on net; the two of them share a room, so it isn't as though her sister's time is entirely hogged by the other girls who call this boarding school "home." Or at least "prison." Katarzyna doesn't mind it, though; the school library is excellent, and basic manners and care for the books has endeared her to the librarian to a sufficient degree to lubricate the interlibrary loans process when there's something she wants to read that they don't have.
Kanimir and Jaromira in Fabulous
"I'm certain you're more than clever enough to outwit someone who thinks deceiving you is a good way to win your affections."
Isabella is so good. So are these science exhibits, which Katarzyna will gleefully expound upon for as long as Isabella wishes.
Yes it is! It is called Gyro Hero and it has a lot of appetizers and a lot of wraps and pitas available.