She is sitting in the library, studying. It's her most common pastime, by hours; spending time with her sister is more enjoyable but Jaromira prefers to socialize more broadly and Katarzyna would only get in the way. This is better on net; the two of them share a room, so it isn't as though her sister's time is entirely hogged by the other girls who call this boarding school "home." Or at least "prison." Katarzyna doesn't mind it, though; the school library is excellent, and basic manners and care for the books has endeared her to the librarian to a sufficient degree to lubricate the interlibrary loans process when there's something she wants to read that they don't have.
"The elf ears are a nice touch, in my opinion. Let's add cuffs that match the earrings going up to the very points."
"Hm...what happens if we add smaller silver opals to the earrings and cuffs and circlet?"
"Okay, let's try rings--one on your left middle finger, one on your right ring finger, one on your right index finger, each one matching one of circlet, earrings, and necklace."
"Hmm. Dress details--how do wide flowy sleeves with embroidery along the hems compare to what you have now?"
"Alright, let's try adding bracelets--let's start with a set of bangles on each wrist, three of them, one in each color."
"Okay, now let's add tiny diamonds to the bangles--white on green, green on blue, blue on silver on the left wrist, then the other way around on the right wrist."
"Hmm. Let's try making the bodice a bit looser and then adding one of these," she says, gesturing at a picture she's pulled up on her phone, "but in silver for the metal and blue opals for the stones. And we'll probably want to alter it a bit more to avoid the plagiarism thing--let's turn the ropes into filigree like the necklace and tiara and so on, and the about an eight-pointed star."
"Hm...let's add another set of crossed filigrees over the hips, but without the centerpiece."