She is sitting in the library, studying. It's her most common pastime, by hours; spending time with her sister is more enjoyable but Jaromira prefers to socialize more broadly and Katarzyna would only get in the way. This is better on net; the two of them share a room, so it isn't as though her sister's time is entirely hogged by the other girls who call this boarding school "home." Or at least "prison." Katarzyna doesn't mind it, though; the school library is excellent, and basic manners and care for the books has endeared her to the librarian to a sufficient degree to lubricate the interlibrary loans process when there's something she wants to read that they don't have.
"I've been spending a mildly embarrassing fraction of the previous twenty-two hours fantasizing about becoming so beautiful that my sense solves all of the persistent mysteries of magic."
"Well, it used to be 'why are crytpids a thing,' but after becoming a magical girl I have to say it has changed to 'why does magic care about how pretty I am'."
"I wouldn't be surprised if they have a deeper than average understanding of magic's sartorial preferences, due to having a stronger reason to care and an absurdly high magical-girl-per-capita ratio, and given that magic seems to care about something as anthropocentric as prettiness I wouldn't be shocked if there was, in fact, some intelligence behind the allocation of magic, and that the Thaumotologists had some hypothesis about its characteristics that matched reality, but I do not take their premises at face value."
...snort. "Fair enough. Far as I can tell based on Faith's occasional presentations on the subject they think God likes beauty because beauty is just inherently great, but that's not really helpful, is it?"
"I have aesthetic sensibilities, and they do not match magic's. 'Beauty is inherently good' is a reasonable opinion to have; 'this specific type of beauty is inherently superior to all other forms' impresses me less."
"Where are your disagreements with magic, do you need to be talking to Brooklyn about how to do pants?"
"It's not so much specific disagreements--I don't mind this outfit--as the fact that the first thing I conjured seemed perfectly lovely to me, but my magic considered it barely better than my previous outfit, which consisted of slacks and a button-down shirt."
"Huh. I'd need to see it to even start to guess why and if I did I'd probably be wrong, I outsource to my twin."
"I only got magic yesterday, so if Jaromira's ambitions have shifted in that direction it hasn't come up yet. Previously she was undecided."
"Jaromira is more likely to do something involving larger numbers of people at a time, I think. She is the most outrageous extrovert."
"I prefer to not be around people I find disinteresting. Thus far, I do not find you disinteresting."
"Magical girls have a much higher assumed baseline interestingness but you have in fact been distinguishing yourself upwards."