Here ends the Silmarillion; and if it has passed from the high and the beautiful to darkness and ruin, that was of old the fate of Arda Marred
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Nothing was ever going to be okay -


Everything's okay, everything, everyone is alive and happy and forgives you - I forgot to ask, do you even believe this -


I don't know. I want to. It's so nice.


And he holds him and he sings and he sends the memories, so many memories, such happy memories - 

Maitimo, your people are here, can you see them? They don't mind, they don't mind anything, they just want you to be okay -


He can't see. He is still mostly numb; it feels nice and secure. He looks through Findekáno's eyes and there they are. You have to explain it to them, he says, you have to help them understand that this is all I ever wanted - 


No, it's not. 


After Angband, he offers the correction.


I will make sure anyone who wants to understand you can find everything I know.


I know you do. I love you too.


Like you want to sleep, or -


Soon. Soon. I love you.


And he closes his eyes and he sings and he treasures the missing memories, now, because once they're all back -


And he curls up in his arms and sleeps, he hasn't been around people in so long, he's probably doing it all wrong, he'd be so afraid if he didn't have the assurance it'd all be all right. 


It's a lot of memories, scattered though they are. So many. She has practice, and Mandos is clumsy, and it's still so, so many. It takes days and days to sweep Findekáno all clear, and then finally she's done.


Thank you, he says. 


That's all of them. I have everything. Thank you for waiting. 


It was a good idea, I got to talk to everybody, got more than once if I was overwhelmed the first time.





He sounds so hopeful. So trusting. So happy. Yeah. 


There are these places in between the stars where nothing can exist. In one universe they killed a Vala that way, so we know it'll work. Instantly, too quick to hurt. Everyone here has a teleport that could take us to those places. We can give you the teleport, too, and the place - 


Takes a while to learn the teleport, it's a lot of symbols and they're meaningless on their own, and you need a special eidetic memory necklace to keep track of them -


An hour?

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