Here ends the Silmarillion; and if it has passed from the high and the beautiful to darkness and ruin, that was of old the fate of Arda Marred
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And she goes back to the garden and preemptively soothes fear the same way she's soothing being-embodied, having-to-breathe -

- and gets underway.


He feels it. He feels it and - did Mandos just decide to tamper without his consent, he thinks this is something to get upset about, he's not upset -


- he's oddly relaxed, actually. If they've figured out how to play with his head than his thoughts will just be sculpted into whatever they want. That should be horrifying but they don't want him horrified, so here he is, not...


There is something to be horrified by and something to be afraid of but he is neither of those things.



I can explain what I'm doing if you get to a point where you can listen.




Or you could make me not want an explanation?


I could do that, but I'm not going to.


She continues working. Lots to do before she even gets into the stuff that doesn't match.


Anything he's feeling is externally determined - it's totally possible that anything he's thinking is externally determined also - 


- this seems like the sort of situation to give up entirely.


He does that. He lies there quietly and exists as little as he knows how.


She considers apologizing. She considers it for a long while, then goes ahead and says, Sorry.


Well, just because she could elicit any reaction she wants without doing anything doesn't mean it's not occasionally more convenient to -


- why not, he'll play along - 


- can you make it stop feeling like anything to be me....


I could knock you unconscious temporarily.


Not a skill I have.


I'm mitigating some of your damage - She can show him a filtered interpreted version of it as she goes, she's done this a couple times now and it doesn't take her full attention.


Simple version or complicated version?


I'm mostly interested in what you want once my head's adjusted to your tastes.


I'm hoping to get you in a state sufficient to talk to your children and family and (boyfriend? ex-boyfriend? ...cousin?) Findekáno.


So were you.


If they're back they're better off without me.


They're all alive now.


Did you tamper with them too?

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