Korva has a contract. It is, in some senses, a very stupid contract, which she kind of expects the Duchess de Chelam not to sign, but - she can't sign the other one.
She waits by the entryway after committees.
"I don't think there should be any problem with asking the queen for permission, unless she is obliged to refuse, but - in that case I think we'd still do worse to act without consulting her."
"In that case, gentlemen, I think perhaps we should draw this dinner to a close, though you are all welcome to remain as late into the evening as you'd like; I would prefer to inform Her Majesty promptly of this situation, and it sounds like we have a great deal of new work to do on top of the great deal of work we already had. I am grateful, as always, for your wisdom and your courage."
"And we for yours, I'm sure. But I should get home and work out what to put my staff to work on. Miss Tallandria, if you're also leaving, I'd be happy to escort you home, or partway." And maybe resolve some of the dire confusion along the way.
Then they can head off. With some guards, kept out of the carriage as it heads to approximately the right neighborhood.
"That was more exciting than anyone was expecting. Except the Provost, I suppose," Jilia will say quietly.