Korva has a contract. It is, in some senses, a very stupid contract, which she kind of expects the Duchess de Chelam not to sign, but - she can't sign the other one.
She waits by the entryway after committees.
Angela lifts her stunningly delicious bright orange yogurt beverage. One day she will go to Heaven and she can have stunningly delicious things to eat all the time and it will not be diverting any resources that could be going somewhere more efficient because the people in the Summerlands farming all the time are efficiently recovering from the wounds of mortality.
She'll return it, of course. "Our children's and our families's."
May Sofia never reach the level her cousin has.
This is the instant when a Gate starts to open at the head of the table, which for political reasons Carlota seated no one at; the Archdukes are facing each other across it with none elevated above the others.
To the ordinary human eye a Gate opens instantly. To see the Gate start to open, rather than just register its sudden presence, you have to have reaction times well into the supernatural.
He sees the gate start to open and reaches for his sword which is NOT THERE and it takes him an instant to remember why - he reaches for Carlota -
- but all of the people with incentive to kill everyone here would do it in a Time Stop -
Joan-Pau's reaction times aren't precognitive but they're damn good and he's ready to counter the next spell -
Someone who's been in this room the entire time is suddenly a part of the scene in a way in which he wasn't five seconds ago, since he has his sword -
He'll go for the draw but too slow, too slow -
He barely has enough time to begin the motion of standing and drawing his sword, but he is moving -
Elorri's far enough away from the Gate that in a split second decision he grabs his bow instead of his blade, and an arrow -
She's quite a ways back from the Gate, when it's fully open, comfortably ensconced in a sitting room with overstuffed chairs. Not the one with all the stone devils, in case anyone gets overeager with the Dispels.
She waves at them. "Duchess! I hope you'll excuse my rudeness."
The only thing more annoying than the fact Chaotic Good people exist is the fact that they won.
"Chancellor." Is it actually her, though - no, why waste the surprise if you aren't planning to maintain the pretense -
Jilia's eyes narrow. She can't fight an archmage. But everything that can gate, can talk. If she's fast enough to know who she's addressing, she can, sometimes, solve problems seven paladins can't...
...Or this might not be a problem at all.
Uh. What.
(Korva cannot, personally, identify a gate on sight, nor immediately think through the implications of someone being capable of casting one.)
"Provost! I've been looking forward to meeting you a long while. My home-town revolutionaries will be terribly jealous they missed the chance."
"Life presents us all a great many chances." She nods to the table. "May I?"
- she's addressing Carlota, whose mansion this is, but this really seems like a question where one defers either to one's fiancè or to the most dangerous person in the room and fortunately they're one in the same.
Nothing Ser Tauler or Ser Cansellarion have in their usual gear grants true seeing, but Tauler might have gotten something for his self-assigned bodyguarding...
"Allow us to verify that you are as you appear, but then of course."
Now does anyone actually have the means to do that? Anything that can gate can mind blank but if it's really Morgethai she didn't come prepared for a fight -
"Who - besides the archmage - is best at identifying spellwork?"
"Gallipsiwhoop, of course, but I'm sure you won't trust his word for it either - may he cast an antimagic field for you?"
...That would verify that the creature claiming to be Gallipsiwhoop is in fact a faerie dragon, and can cast an antimagic field -
"If anyone knows a way to nonmagically take the form of a faerie dragon, or of any other faerie dragons that can cast an antimagic field, speak now - "
"It'll have to do."