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Dusk in Fabulous
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"It'd be easy for people who work there to make it better, I bet, but it might be hard for them to know that the other people there would let them - or maybe they wouldn't. People could quit, but that doesn't help either."


Yeah, that happened, that new staff who were extra nice to start usually left pretty quickly. Sometimes they stayed but stopped being so nice, instead, she's not sure exactly why.


"I don't know if the other employees there would have done it on purpose but spending a lot of time around a lot of people who are all a particular way tends to make people more that way."


That might be it, yeah.


"So if somebody's going to fix it, it has to be from the outside, and swooping in and flying away with all the children in a hot air balloon and then demolishing the building with kaiju-busting Miracle Blasts would in point of fact be illegal, so it's hard and Winona's gonna take a while poking at it."


That sure is a mental image, wow.

Thanks, Winona.


"You're welcome," calls Winona.


So it sounds like - if it's really fixed they're not going to need to run away anyway, so the directions for how to run away should be fine. Maybe some girls will run away anyway when they don't have to but that's probably not a big problem.


"I'm not sure I follow all your logic there," Julie says.


Right now if somebody gets magic the right thing to do is to run away and find Flora. When Winona fixes it the right thing to do will be something else, but probably not running away at all, and that will be different enough that girls who get magic won't be confused about how to do it. If the new thing was to run away but not find Flora and do something else instead, that would be confusing. And maybe after Winona fixes it some girls will run away anyway instead of doing the legal thing, but they won't end up getting lost or anything, they'll just end up with Flora.


"Ah, okay, yeah. It's still a good idea to tell them to find Flora, yes."


Okay. She'll have to figure out directions that they can follow but hopefully that won't be too hard.


"Mm-hm. Do you want to figure out your range now?"




Julie goes progressively farther away and can no longer "hear" Denice at a couple of blocks.


Not bad.


"Yup, that should more than do it, they're not going to be paying attention to vehicles swinging by at that distance," Julie says, jogging back.


They might notice, there's not a lot close to the place. But she can get that close in the woods no problem.


"Mm-hm, that works too."



That's probably it for planning for right now, then.


"You got it." Forehead-kiss.



More wikipedia?


"You got that too." Julie hands over her laptop. "I'm gonna go for a fly, gotta stay in condition even on vacation."


Have fun.

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