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Dusk in Fabulous
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Huh. She hopes she'll be okay.


Apparently Winona's working on that!


That's good.

She wonders what Winona's going to do when she knows where Denice came from and what it was like there. Maybe there are clues in what she's doing now; Denice pays a little more attention to her screen.


Winona is drafting an email to the reporter who wrote the article asking if there are any details or contact information he could share with her organization.


And then?


Then she lets her team know she's done that on Slack, and says she's not expecting much since they probably did it mostly secondhand but she's going to try the same thing with reporters who've covered the story from other outlets. Then she does that.


This is a little boring. She keeps half an eye on the screen anyway, though.


Eventually Winona secures Kalisha's mom's phone number. "Janet, I need to make a phone call, okay?"


Yeah, okay. She unsnuggles.


Winona gets up and paces while she's on the phone; once Ms. Weber has picked up she goes outside.


Denice'll be there when she gets back, curled up on the other end of the couch from where she left her laptop.


"Are you bored? The stuff you were playing with in the bus is all in my bag in the front hall," says Winona, sitting back down beside her.


Mm, yeah, a little bit.

What's the kindle got besides poetry?


It's got everything child-appropriate either of them has in their Kindle library. Somebody likes thrillers with magical girls fighting endless processions of increasingly giant kaiju. Probably-Winona reads a lot of dry work-relevant stuff called things like A Self-Selected Minority and Girls And Women. Somebody reads weird niche nonfiction like Salt: A World History. One of them also thought to load it up with miscellaneous popular YA.


Y'know what, let's read about some salt. (Snuggle.)


Salt has been very important in world history. (Winona's wing goes right back around her.)


It's more than a little confusing - the author keeps assuming she has background knowledge that she doesn't - but neat to read anyway; that'll keep her occupied until dinnertime.


Julie has ordered pizza for dinner, with sausage and broccoli on one half and caramelized onions and ham on the other.


Onions and ham are on the right hand side of the pizza; onions and ham it is.


That seems to be Julie's pick; Winona's eating the sausage and broccoli one.


She's still paying as little attention to her food as she can get away with; she'll keep reading, if they don't stop her.


They don't stop her.

"She's reading the salt book," Winona tells Julie.

"Did you even read the salt book?"

"I keep meaning to... no, I haven't even read the salt book."


It's neat! It keeps talking about places she doesn't know anything about and that's confusing sometimes but it's a pretty good book anyway.


"If you want to borrow my computer to look things up in Wikipedia I don't use it all day long," says Julie, "I'm on vacation and don't work on the computer anyway."


She doesn't know how to do that but maybe she can figure it out.

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