Can you teleport outside? Sure.
Is it safe? So long as there's no rain to smudge your diagram it's basically as safe as doing it indoors. And in Lucien's defense there wasn't any rain at all, right up until the last sylabble of the incantation.
"I got her because I heard rumors that cats could detect magic and as far as I can tell this is true but I'm pretty sure there's some other stuff going on but I still don't know exactly what."
"Apparently." Cam looks at his computer and does some computing; looking over his shoulder will reveal messages exchanged with Alassëo.
Lucien is not particularly prone to looking over people's shoulders.
"So is the plan for you to do more elf resurrections while I do spell research, until you're ready to resurrect some gods?"
"That can be the plan if that works for you. I think I'll set up a resurrection workflow here and see if Alassëo can recruit your hundred volunteers from those batches, cut down on time running in Arda."
"That works - I suppose if time is otherwise halted in my world there isn't actually a cost to waiting to fix death in my world until I get a version of the ritual that resurrects more people than it kills."
"Yes, but there are more demons. Admittedly I'm not sure how easy it would be to recruit them in quantity."
"What sort of recruitment problems would you imagine?" Is it that demons are evil and this guy is some extremely fortunate exception.
"Yes, just, you have to be slightly more flexible about it because we can make arbitrary material objects so most will want to be paid in, like, experiences. Which would take time away from resurrecting people."
"Varies. Hiking the real Alps, going to the theater, sexual favors are traditional, meeting celebrities or something would probably work..."
"I think it would probably be easier to spend a century figuring out a better resurrection spell than to convince my world to scale-up massive necromantic rituals powered by trading sex to demons in order to resurrect the dead. The rest might be promising - celebrities don't scale but we can put on theatrical productions for demons who help."
"So one drawback of this taking place in your world is that demons don't already know about your world, so they're not already excited about your theatrical productions and celebrities, though I imagine with most your Alps would pass muster. We might wind up having to filter for history nerds who'll be really excited about the whole 1933 thing and I'm not sure what they'll want."