"Right," she says, a bit thrown but recovering quickly. "Using your powers will incur what we call acute backlash—which is the type we've discussed, with symptoms psychological, physiological, or both, as the case may be. Not dealing with it for long enough, or incurring sufficient amounts of it in short periods of time, will cause what we call chronic backlash—damage to your body and energy, manifesting as chronic pain, lethargy, weakness, and eventually organ failure and death.
"The way to 'deal with it' is to spend time near someone with a compatible, or complementary, backlash. We call that process 'guiding', and every esper who uses their powers at all needs guiding if they want to avoid all of that. In theory, every esper can guide every other esper, but some backlashes are so incompatible they might as well not exist. Compatibility is also a matter of degree, and espers can be more or less compatible with each other; it is also not perfectly symmetrical, and it can be the case that one member of a partnership benefits much more than the other. Occasionally espers form three-way partnerships, with esper A guiding esper B, who guides esper C, who guides esper A. I believe there are two active four-way partnerships in the world right now, and I don't think there's ever been a five-way. Compatibility is also believed to be a function of personality match, though there's some controversy about how exactly that works.
"Things that increase efficacy of guiding are having similar levels of backlash, physical proximity, touch, and, ah," she clears her throat, "fluid exchange, which coupled with the fact that being guided itself often feels—pleasant—to both espers is the reason why closer physical relationships happen between partnered espers as often as they do, but there are plenty of partnerships that don't involve anything closer than platonically watching TV shows together in between missions.
"And if a new esper manifests in the presence of a compatible esper with sufficient amounts of chronic backlash, the new esper's initial backlash may be entirely absorbed by the more senior one. This happens extremely rarely, as the amount of accumulated backlash the more senior esper would need to be carrying for that to happen is—debilitating to most."