*The phrases in Larian's analysis have been put through a ROT13 transform, and the numbers replaced with Arabic numerals. This is to promote verisimilitude.
The annoying human is serving a useful purpose, interfacing with the annoying elph, so she won't mind if he cribs her notes. It's an interesting puzzle. Everything written on here was probably written for a purpose; It looks expensive. What are the holes for?
What you do with something mysterious is you transform it into new shapes.
٣٠zz NAFV ١٥٠
JNEAVAT - Qb abg erzbir obygf juvyr flfgrz vf haqre cerffher - JNEAVAT
JNEAVAT - Purpx fgrz cerffher orsber npghngvat inyir engrq sbe ٣٠ one - JNEAVAT
Uvgnpuv ٦٨٧٦٠١٦٩٦٣٣٩
Qb abg gvtugra orlbaq ١٤٠ sg yof
And from last time:
G. Pbbcre
It looks like a load of gibberish for the most part. One can start assuming various things-
JNEAVAT is loud and repeated, so it must be important somehow.
And it's an alphabet, and some of the big ones look similar to corresponding small ones - 'p' and 'P'. Furthermore, the first letter in each line is always a big one.
But- Ugh. Ugh! No, assumptions blind you to the truth sometimes. Just the facts.
Here are phrases that appear multiple times:
JNEAVAT - 4 times.
abg - 3 times.
qb - 2 times, both times before an instance of 'abg'.
cerffher - 2 times, both times between JNEAVAT.
sbe - 2 times. One time big.
Plus '١/something/٠' appearing twice, with two different characters in between. Words that sound similar aside from one sound aren't unheard of, but something about that set of characters is different, too. Some of these are obviously using fewer line strokes than others. And for the letters... Some of those are obviously the same, big and small versions... And they don't really have enough of a sample size for this to be very useful.
r: 18
V/v: 14
A: 13
g: 12
b: 11
e: 11
f/F: 11
N: 7
T/t: 7
E: 6
a: 6
n: 6
P/p: 6
٠: 5
z: 5
o: 5
c/C: 5
J/j: 5
u/U: 5
٣: 4
-: 4
Q: 4
y: 4
h: 4
G: 4
٦: 4
i/I: 4
s/S: 4
١: 3
q: 3
B: 3
R: 3
l: 2
٩: 2
٤: 2
٥: 1
K: 1
M: 1
x: 1
٨: 1
٧: 1
٢: 1
.: 1
"We're missing some of the small-large correspondences, obviously," she muses aloud. "And really, it's just very hard to confidently conclude anything here. Maybe the big letters are special somehow. Maybe the writing is - instructions - if this is an expensive, specialized piece of something larger. Which might make the long lines a pair of instructions or warnings, both to do with something spelled like this-"
"...A machine, yes. That's the impression I'm getting. Like a mirrorkite or turbine. This one might be associated with warnings, too..."
abg / Qb abg
"But, ugh, that's multiple assumptions one after another. This whole table is probably useless, just because of a lack of enough to analyze, and no context..."
Is CNGRAG CRAQVAT a maker's mark? It's displayed prominently. What is cerffher? What is this thing's purpose, anyway? It's a hole that can be opened and closed... Is it for water to pass through?
"Are the short words the most common ones? Nobody wants to spend five seconds saying 'yes'..."
...Useless. Bah. She continues to puzzle over it while idly shedding water anyway.