"No, look, okay, you're my backup, if me getting a familiar doesn't cut it, okay, if nothing else they have to let you stay in school," says the blonde firmly. "And then when I do have a familiar I can unsummon you, and then if you'd rather be here than there I can just resummon you with some better smaller spell."
"I would really rather not be kept in this circle forever," he says. "It seems like it would be awkward and uncomfortable."
She is so extremely magic. And magic in very particular ways, specifically among others the way where she can do nearly arbitrary things to minds.
Okay, it is probably rude to stare. And from a purely functional standpoint his permission doesn't matter a bit, so the fact that she's asking for it is a good sign.
"Sure, all right."
"Thank you," he says. "So what now?"
"Well, that's a significant step up from where I just was," he says, smiling. "Oh - I'm Miles, by the way."
"...A letter would be... very helpful," he says, following. "If I'm lucky, my family hasn't yet received word that I'm missing, but it should be arriving any day now."
Miles steps inside, examining the functionality of the little room with his Sense. "Convenient. What's it called?"
"So, um... I hope this isn't an impolite question, but what's with all the mind magic?"
"I... see. My next question was going to be 'what's with all the rest', but I think 'dragon'... partially answers it."