Nick in Elcenia
Okay, crafts store. Wooden timbers, glue, canvas cloth, paper, an array of little metal tools. They don't sell bone and he doesn't know how to work metal, so he's not sure what he'll use for the parts that need to be harder than wood, but those are probably recoverable from his old glider.
It's enough that he has to carry it two-handed. "Before you complain about the cost, this stuff is to fix my glider. I know I probably can't use it properly here, but it gives me something to do."
It's enough that he has to carry it two-handed. "Before you complain about the cost, this stuff is to fix my glider. I know I probably can't use it properly here, but it gives me something to do."
"They're sort of metallic textured," she says. "I don't have any loose or I could see if I could get it off for you to have a look at. Anyway, flying is like -" She checks the area around her, finds she has space for her wingspan, and lopes a few steps, flapping, to take off. She goes up over the buildings, makes a circle, and then comes in for a landing.