There is no audible indication that Ari has taken or noticed the blanket! There is no counterindication, either. Ari is not talking, he is too busy crying.
After a few days, he contacts her.
"Thanks. But I should've called when I was... able to. But I didn't feel up to it. Should've anyway."
"So I've been told! It's better to be inexplicably charming than inexplicably irritating, at any rate. The people I've met who have that problem usually aren't pleased with it."
"It is! People don't like them much, and I'll bet they'd never be able to make friends with charming death goddesses such as yourself. Which would be a real shame."
"Don't see why. I'm certainly charmed, it seems like that should be a pretty regular thing."
"Well, I'm going to say in the absence of further evidence that they're wrong and I'm right, you're charming, case closed, final decision, no take-backs. Charming and also nice and delightful, in perpetuity."