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"To clarify: each person or group of persons who's been in Milliways so far while we were here had a different universe's kind of Doing Stuff. Helen and I have superpowers, the woman who looked like you had something called servantmaking, and the kid who left just before you came in had weather magic."


"...Oh. Well, I have bending. All four kinds. I airbend a lot."


"My powers have to do with wind too, is how I noticed. What's bending like?"


"It's, uh, you move - not necessarily very much, but sometimes - and you move your element with you." She uncaps a bottle of water she's got clipped to her waistband, snakes it out with arm motions, loops it around herself, turns it into a swath of ice between her hands, liquifies it again and funnels it back into its bottle.


"Oh, that's cool. I don't have to move to do anything with the air, though."


"I mean, I can do it by breathing, I've been airbending since I was literally a baby. It's the easiest to do with small movements."


"I just meant that they were different, that's all. I wasn't trying to brag."


"Yes, you were."


"Maybe you're just plain better at air than airbenders. But I have three more elements. Although I'm the only person who does."


"Why's that?"


"I'm the Avatar. ...Which probably doesn't mean anything to you. Uh, I am the reincarnation of a long line of people who do that and also have various spiritual obligations and powers."


"Well. Seems like it's reincarnation week."


"Helen and I reincarnate, and so did the woman who looks like you."


"I assume it's not the exact same way, since you don't bend four elements... and there are two of you?"


"There's at least one other, that we know of." She doesn't sound pleased about it.


"I'm the only one of me. If other people reincarnate they don't get recognizable powers out of it."


"I create barriers made of light. Gregory instantiates sharp objects."


"Seems like a sort of... non-thematic collection of three traits."


"Oh, there's lots of different kinds of powers. People who can fly and people who are really strong or really fast or really tough, a few different people whose exact powers I'm not sure of but used them in a healing capacity, people who can change shape...lots of things. I don't know for sure that no one else is reincarnating, but Gregory's the only one besides the two of us where we know for sure."


"...Okay, how would you not know if somebody was reincarnating? Wouldn't they turn up with the same powers over and over?"


"Powers haven't been around very long. Less than a century. There are some people who might be the same person again, but there are also some very similar ones that occur at the same time. And you have to get your powers activated, you're not just born with them, and you have to get them reactivated after you're reborn. I'm on life three, and I spent my whole second life powerless."


"Which you know. Because you do not reincarnate like me and you remember stuff. Aha."

"...Do you not remember stuff? Like, at all?"

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