The bar is unusually empty. Just one girl, sitting on a barstool, reading one of a rather large stack of napkins.
"Yeah. The way the wind whistles through the caves is interesting, there aren't a lot of caves nearby at home."
"I don't go that low to the ground easily unless I really try, but with sort-of-walls around the edges I might be able to. I don't know any other weather mages at home, do you want to swat the wind around at each other?"
"Oh. Yeah, probably." She picks up the machine and lugs it inside. "I'm going to play tug-of-wind with Stormy. This may involve getting wet," she informs Helen.
Stormy is already flopped on her back on the grass, getting energetically rained on, smiling dreamily, eyes closed.
Marie playfully sends a gust of wind at the rain cloud, not hard enough that it gets pushed away from Stormy, but enough to deform its shape.
Rather than trying to push back with brute force, Marie sends fast-moving slivers of wind around and through.
Eventually Stormy comes out of the sky and sits up.
"That was the most fun I've had in ages," she says happily.
"Helen can generate nigh-impenetrable barriers made of light. We weren't sure if they were made of light or just gave it off until we found Milliways, but before you got here there was a woman who could move bits of light around and it worked on the barriers fine."
"I'm an 'ambient mage' which means I'm a mage of a thing, but most mages are academic mages, which means they do formal kinds of spells and they all do it the same way."